Romance is not dead...even when you're dead!
14th Feb 2013
Who says love and romance needs to end with your last breath! There are quite a few ghosts haunting the Old Town - and beyond - who have spent their afterlife looking for that special someone.
There’s the restless spirit of a poor wife searching for her husband, who was killed in the Crimean War. Her weeping spirit can be seen in Chessel’s Court, still calling out for her lost love.
A Heart, No Head
Or what about the Green Lady of Morningside, who haunted the house in which she was murdered by her jealous husband? His rage knew no bounds when she admitted she was in love with his soldier so, known to her as Jack Courage – a Mills & Boon name if ever there was one! Her husband did not survive her more than a few hours. He killed himself, overcome with remorse for his murderous actions. In this case, love definitely hurt, but it has a happy ending of sorts. The Green Lady ceased to haunt the house when her body was moved to be beside that of Jack Courage many years later and together, they lie in peace today, reunited in death...
The Ghostly Gooseberry...
But the tale of John Richy, an 17th century Edinburgh butcher, is a warning to all who attempt to mixdeath and romance. Richy sought the loving arms and charms of many women...all within a few days of his dear wife passing away. His wife might have been dead, but romance was not! And he wanted to get as much as he could. Unfortunately, whenever he was ’romancing’ one of his amours up a dark close, the apparition of his dead wife appeared. Ardour was immediately cooled and Richy went home. He tried again the following night with another willing lady, only to see the spirit of his wife once more. He also heard her say “John,will ye no come back to me?” It seems Mrs Richy wanted her man and she got her wish. A few days later, John died. Some say from the stress and strain caused by the ghostly apparitions, others blame his enthusiastic wooing and romancing! Whatever the cause, Mr and Mrs Richy are together again but I hope she had a ghostly rolling pin at the ready to show him what she thought of his amours. I know I would have!
So, if you know any ghosts looking for Mr or Mrs (F)Right, Edinburgh is a great place to start the search for that special – or spectral – someone. Happy Valentines Day!