Come on a Mer’cake’ Tour - Macmillan Coffee Morning!
21st Sep 2015
Can I tell you a little secret about Mercat Tours? For reasons unknown, we have a disproportionate amount of demon bakers within our numbers.
More days than not, our desks are covered with an array of home-made scones, extravagantly decorated cakes, and quantities of sugary treats that would prompt a stern lecture from any self respecting dentist. It only seems right that once a year we put our sins of our ever expanding baking flesh to good use, and our darkened vaults become a swathe of green for our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning.
Every September we don our finest costumes from our groaning dressing up box and raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Care, one of the country’s biggest cancer support and palliative care organisations, and this year we’re not only going to be at Mercat HQ with our sweet treats, you might catch us out in the streets as well. Curious? Well, here’s what we’re up to.
If you’re planning to come along on a tour on September 25th, our Discovery Room is normally the final destination at the end of your experience. As well as the chance to examine our artefacts and read more about Edinburgh's South Bridge, you’ll be greeted with a cake sale to put all others to shame! Not only can you indulge yourself knowing you’re helping a great cause, spend £3 on treats and we’ll give you one of our lovely Mercat Tours tea towels. Even if your sweet tooth isn’t as big as your philanthropic urges, purchase a tea towel and we’ll donate £1 to Macmillian.
(and we won’t make you help with the washing up: promise.)
But even if you’re not venturing into the Blair Street Underground Vaults, you may well still bump into us out in the streets, supporting Maggie’s Culture Walk. Maggie’s Centre provides fantastic support to those diagnosed with cancer and their families, and we’ll be out and about supporting the ten mile walk in aid of the centre that takes in some of the great sights of our fine city. Pop along and you might just bump into Mary Queen of Scots on a street corner, a medieval countess looking lost in the New Town, or William Burke, lingering suspiciously by the traffic lights...
Whether your taste is for culture or currant buns, spooks, or sponge cake, we hope to see you on the 25th!
Come and help us support this great cause...
and make us feel less guilty about our cake consumption.